一諾扭力扳手檢測儀MOTE4-G 系列
詳細信息| 詢價留言品牌:一諾 型號:MOTE4-G 系列 加工定制:是 測量范圍:2-2000 N.m 類型:數顯 顯示分辨率:0.001 ° 行程:334-2355 mm 試件尺寸:334-2355 mm 外形尺寸:520-2557 mm 適用范圍:2-2000 試件尺寸:334-2355 mm 外形尺寸:520-2557 mm
中國臺灣一諾數字式扭力扳手檢測儀MOTE4-G 系列
◆有多種型號,扭力調整范圍為:2N.m 至 2000N.m 不等
◆可通過 USB 接口,聯接電腦輸出存儲數據
Suitable for all types of torque wrench calibration, horizontally fixed uniform loading
device to ensure consistent, high accuracy and repeatability results.
◆Uniform loading device can improve repeatability and accuracy
◆T Available in a variety of models, the torque adjustment range is:2N.m to 1000N.m
◆Unit selection:cN, m/N.m/kgf.cm/kgf.m/lbf.in/lbf.ft
◆With the newly designed handle, it is easy to operate even at maximum torque.
◆The central display allows the operator to easily view the readings of the read-only torque wrench.
◆Connect to computer output storage data through USB interface
◆Built-in rechargeable battery for easy mobile operation
留 言
- 聯系人:牟淑蓉
- 電 話:0755-83981822/82513866
- 手 機:13662293689
- 傳 真:0755-83986906
- 郵 箱:taili668@vip.163.com
- 郵 編:518172
- 地 址:深圳市龍崗區龍翔大道9009號珠江廣場A2棟13D室
- 網 址: https://taili668.cn.goepe.com/